March 6th & 7th, 2025 Conference Agenda

Thursday, March 6, 2025

9:15-9:45       Check-in and conference walk-through

9:45-10:00    Brief tour of school

10:00-11:45  Observation of live classes ages 2-kindergarten (your choice)

11:45-12:00  Break

12:00-12:30  Debrief observations and participant sharing

12:30-1:30    Catered lunch and exchange

1:30-2:30      In-depth Visible Thinking workshop
2:30-3:00     “How do You Reggio?” sharing

3:00-3:15      Wrap up of Day 1 and Q & A


Friday, March 7

8:30-10:00 Opening session- Practicing Mindfulness in Reggio-inspired classrooms
                     Tree Top’s story
                     Walkthrough of our curriculum guide

10:00-10:30 Tour of our campus

10:30-12:00 Visit our 15 classrooms with teachers present for exchange
                       You may take pictures or videos as you wish

12:00-1:00 Catered lunch with focus group exchange

1:00-1:45 Break out session #1 (choose one)

1-     Master teacher presentation of current investigation with 2-3 year old children

         2- Master teacher presentation of current investigation with 3-4 year old children   

1:45-2:00 Break

2:00-2:45 Break out session #2

         1- Mindfulness strategies for you and your students  

2-     Administrative Round Table: Sample topics- How to gain more Parent Involvement &
             Teacher’s Professional Development, etc.

2:45-3:00 Break

3:00-3:45 “Make and take a memory” clay workshop

3:45-4:15  Exchange and celebration             

4:30-6:00 pm Optional happy hour at a waterfront restaurant

*Subject to change based on participant interests