The How We Reggie Community is designed to inspire, support, and connect individuals who share a commitment to the Reggio Emilia approach. Whether you're new to this philosophy or a seasoned practitioner, you'll find a wealth of resources, engaging discussions, and a network of like-minded individuals eager to share their experiences and insights.

What to expect from the HWR Community Membership

  • Dive into our curated collection of articles, videos, projects ideas and free print outs to enrich your understanding and practice.

  • Join vibrant discussions, ask questions, and share your journey with a supportive network of peers.

  • Explore opportunities for workshops, training, Live 1:1 Sessions, conferences and professional development to enhance your skills.

  • Engage in collaborative projects, internships and mentorships to gain inspiration from real-life classroom examples and documentation.

  • Gain access to our private FB page, receive a listing in our HWR Directory and feature your ideas, school or work in our inspiring resource area.