Educator Feature/Sara Malvasia, Mindfulness Mama


Since Sara’s arrival at Tree Top Academy in 2021, she has woven the arts of mindfulness and meditation into the fabric of her daily teachings, earning her the title of a dynamic educator. She creates tales of wonder, inviting the children to become the masters of their own imagination. Through deep breathing and the graceful weaving of yoga poses, she kindles a peaceful ambiance that nurtures the children's minds and spirits. Sara recently presented her very own classroom mindfulness techniques to the Florida Education for Young Children state conference, with an overwhelming response!

How did you stumble upon the magical world of mindfulness?

Well, when I joined TTA, they offered mindfulness and meditation sessions with Jenny Henderson. I was intrigued and decided to join the workshops and dig deeper into it by myself.

What sparked the idea of using mindfulness techniques in your classroom?

It was a no-brainer! The kiddos were feeling agitated and jittery, and I wanted to gift them a powerful tool that could stay with them for life. As a teacher, I noticed that many of my students were finding it difficult to sit during circle time and were often getting disctracted. I wanted to do something to help them, and that’s when I remembered my own experience with mindfulness. I realized that mindfulness techniques could be a great way to help my students manage their stress and anxiety, and improve their focus and concentration. So, I started incorporating mindfulness activities into my classroom routine, and the results were amazing. The children were able to calm down, stay focused, and regulate their emotions. Seeing the positive impact of mindfulness on my students inspired me to continue exploring mindfulness and meditation and sharing it with others.

What's the easiest way to get started on mindfulness practice?

Take 5 minutes a day for yourself to hit pause! When you begin researching mindfulness and meditation, you can assess how it applies to your life and what role it can have. You don’t need to commit a lot of time to your practice, just try to be consistent with bite-sized rituals.

What do you love about teaching?

I just love to see the children happy and to be able to spark their happiness. I’m always humbled by how much they teach me!

What benefits have you witnessed in the children and yourself from doing mindfulness and meditation?

I have noticed the children have more empathy, patience self regulation. They are able to sit longer during circle time and it helps us to have an overall calm environment in the classroom.

As for myself, I can definately see that I have more patience! I even catch myself enjoying more, being in the present moment, which contibutes to my happiness and overall well being.


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